Curso de Cosmética Natura

Curso de cosmética


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Do you want to learn how to create your own natural cosmetics?


Tus productos de higiene personal y uso diario, están al alcance de tu mano.


Do you find it difficult, with rare and hard-to-find ingredients?


   Let me tell you that it is not like that, most of the products that we use in natural cosmetics are found in your kitchen and those that are not are very easy to get, they are vegetable oils, waxes, clays and little else, which are very affordable and accessible.


   Estoy segura de que te encantará comenzar en el mundo de la cosmética natural, porque es práctica, fácil, económica y notarás la diferencia en tu cuerpo, le aportarás valor, calidad y eliminarás los tóxicos, ya que los productos naturales y caseros son libres de tóxicos, para conservarlos usamos vitamina E, además, podemos crear la cantidad necesaria, para que nos alcance por ese mismo periodo de tiempo, del que será la vida útil de ese cosmético, te cuento que en mi caso, que somos 3 de familia, creo la cantidad de pasta de dientes necesaria para un mes, que es el tiempo que se mantendrá buena, de esa manera no necesitas conservar grandes cantidades de un producto, aunque también podemos utilizar la vitamina E como conservante natural.


   This course is designed, with live classes, online, as well as in its face-to-face modality, so that we can chat and interact while you are learning to create your products, and consult all the doubts that may arise, in this way they will be practical and enriching.


   Natural products, when it comes to creating them, are very versatile and you can adapt them to your needs, such as skin type, or as in my case, I make a variant of the face cream, for my daughter, who is at that age. the pimples, so at the same time that you use your facial cream, you fight those undesirable pimples and without the need to use toxic, abrasive or harmful products for your skin.


Adapt your natural cosmetics and personal hygiene products to your needs!


Contenido del curso


  • This course, to make it more practical and organized, is divided into 3 modules


Module 1


  • Natural, homemade and non-toxic deodorant.
  • Natural solid shampoo. (dry hair-oily hair-fine and brittle hair)
  • Non-toxic hair conditioner.
  • Mascarilla revitalizadora, natural para tu tipo de cabello.
  • Homemade non-toxic toothpaste.


Module 2


  • Moisturizing facial cream (adapted to your skin type and needs)
  • Personalized body cream.
  • Body oils
  • Natural lip balm
  • Basic body soap, adapted according to your skin type.


Module 3


  • Makeup, cream base, natural and personalized according to your skin type.
  • Homemade, natural makeup remover.
  • Facial cleansing mask.
  • Serum for the night.
  • Skin stain removal treatment


* Live classes will be by scheduled appointment and agreed according to your schedules.

* You will have the option of acquiring the complete course or by modules.


Switch to a healthy, natural life and free yourself from toxins.


   La inversión de tu salud en este curso completo es de 135,90 €  antes 156,90 €  o puedes adquirirlo en 3 cómodas cuotas de 52,30 €  también puedes elegir uno o más módulos, según tu interés, a 52,30 € c/u.


   Here I am to solve your doubts, your questions are welcome. 


I'll see you in class!

Additional information


Curso Completo, Módulo 1, Módulo 2, Módulo 3


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